Co-UDlabs Webinar: 2nd global call for Transnational Access proposals
Organizer: Co-IDlabs

Co-UDlabs is a Horizon 2020 and INFRAIA project that for the past two years has developed several joint research, training, and networking activities, and has also offered free-of-charge access to 17 research installations and facilities in seven European research institutions in the framework of its Transnational Access (TA) programme. Co-UDlabs will soon open its 2nd global call for TA proposals, and is  organising a series of events to promote this new collaboration and mutual learning opportunity.

Interested stakeholders are invited to attend the webinar on the Co-UDlabs 2nd TA call, a one-hour session in which all required information and details about our TA programme will be provided. The webinar will briefly introduce Co-UDlabs, its research scope, and a thorough overview of the research facilities available for the TA call and the submission, selection, and implementation process.


Start date 20 Jun 2023 , 10:30

Language English
WebsiteEvent link
Contributed by Voice of the Danube