12 September 2021 / Vienna, Austria
2021 Danube Water Conference: You are Welcome to Register now!
Contributed by:
Voice of the Danube

In a world as unpredictably volatile as ours currently is, it's a bit of a challenge to put a long-awaited conference with an ambitious schedule on track - but we made it: As previously announced, the 2021 Danube Water Conference registration is open, and if you are undecided, just look at the schedule. You will find plenty reasons to register now.

The 2021 Danube Water Conference will run under the headline "Building a Resilient and Water Secure Danube Region" from 18 to 20 October, daily from 13:30 h until 16:15h CEST.

Your rich choice

The conference will offer two tracks, one on water security, the other on water supply and sanitation, and a rich schedule of main events and breakout sessions. Make your choice from six plenary sessions, six roundtable talks, nine networking sessions and one working group, and make time for highlights like a keynote by International Water Association CEO Kala Vairavamoorthy or the “Ask me anything” session with Mr. Gustavo Saltiel, Lead Water and Sanitation Specialist at the World Bank.

As good as it gets

A look at the current dynamics of the pandemic situation in Europe confirms the organizers' decision to prioritize the health and safety of all participants and therefore to hold the 2021 Danube Water Conference as a virtual three-day event.

While we sincerely hope that we will meet again in person at big and even bigger events next year, we take pride in offering you a conference format that will be closer to a live experience than ever since the beginning of the crisis.

Latest technology for the best experience

To this end, we chose a novel digital event platform that promises participants a near-live, full-spectrum conference experience, including keynotes, plenary sessions, roundtables, one-on-one contacts with exhibitors and, most importantly, private spaces for networking and personal contacts. A modest registration fee will help to finance this advanced, high quality virtual conference experience.

Please turn to the Event page for the full conference agenda and a downloadable step-by-step guide that will navigate you through your conference registration.

Welcome to the 2021 Danube Water Conference. It's about the future. It's about us. It's about you.

VoD - 2021 Danube Water Conference

The 2021 Danube Water Conference “Building a Resilient and Water Secure Danube Region” will be convened on October 18-20 followed by Business Meetings on October 21 (by invitation only)....