National Level Support 

Despite improvements in the last 10 years, countries across the Danube region still show very different levels of progress in providing sustainable services for all their citizens. Many long-standing EU members have benefited from a generally stable policy environment and a steady stream of EU funding. Access to wastewater services has increased, the performance of utility companies has reached international standards, and the financing of services is sound. In contrast, more recent EU members, candidate countries, and non-EU countries of the Danube region continue to suffer from important public services gaps, especially amongst the most vulnerable. This leaves millions of people without access, services underfunded, and water sector governance incomplete or unclear. 

Therefore, support has been provided to newly formed regulators in the region in efforts to strengthen their country’s regulatory mechanisms. The European accession process has been informed by technical assistance and regional exchanges, among others. Utility sector consolidation processes have been assisted in several countries which are keen to continue learning from regional practices.  

Another example of advisory services was specific advice on innovative public-private partnership models to improve utility performance. Comprehensive sector reforms concerning an update of the sector financing strategy and the preparation of future scenarios were often supported from the Program. 

The DWP has supported a WSS Institutional Water Sector Review, and discussions on how to implement key recommendations, as well as a full diagnostic of the water sector and key recommendations discussed with national counterparts in one or the other country. In addition, a workshop on performance-based contracting for reducing non-revenue water was organized with enthusiastic reception from participants. In another country, the DWP has supported the development of detailed Terms of Reference for a National Water Supply and Sanitation Plan and Financing Strategy.  

Starting in 2021, advisory work on Water Security has additionally started in several countries which is further elaborated under the Water Security Initiative

National Level Support in 2022 was delivered on Water Supply and Sanitation or Water Security according to the broadened scope of the Danube Water Program since Phase III. For future activities in these areas refer to the Workplan of Phase IV.